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Monday, June 21, 2010


Help revise these Demandments into more of a memorable “top 10” type of list. What did we leave out or need to eliminate, how would you structure them? Suggestions? Tell what you think should be added!
1. Sovereignty – Reaffirm Individual, State & National – 10th & Nullification
2. Constitutional Laws – Joint Committee to identify Constitutional authority of bills
3. Petition for Redress of Grievances – For violations of the Constitution
4. Militia & Firearms – Abide by the 2nd Amendment
5. Privacy – Repeal statutes repugnant to 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th Amendments
6. Private Property – Nullify or repeal unconstitutional laws confiscating and related to
7. Juries – Require judges to apprise ALL of their rights
8. Income Tax – Repeal the 16th and free those wrongfully convicted, abolish the IRS
9. Foreign Policy – Stop Foreign Aid unless in defense of U.S.
10. Money – Audit the Fed on the way to elimination, back the dollar with real assets
11. Public Debt – Cancel all debt incurred unconstitutionally
12. War Powers – Remove troops from around world, provide for our common defense
13. Eligibility – Investigate the President
14. Immigration – Stop all for now, remove Anchor Babies
I LIKE THIS SAYING THANKS FOR POSTING IT IT READS The Main Stream Media is unable, seemingly, to discriminate between a bicycle accident and the collapse of civilization
Articles of Freedom
1. Sovereignty
Reaffirm fundamental
principles of popular, State
and National Sovereignty.
Repeal laws contrary to Art.
I, Section 8
2. Constitutional Laws
Joint Committee to identify
Constitutional authority, or
absence thereof, before bills
are sent to the President for
3. Petition for Redress of Grievances
Affirm jurisdiction of courts
to hear challenges to the
Constitutionality of actions
by public officials, and
remove judges who dismiss
such cases for lack of
standing. Affirm obligation
of all public officials to
respond to Petitions to
Redress violations of the
4. Militia and Firearms
Abolish Dept. of Homeland
Security. Return
responsibility for domestic
security to Militias of the
several States. Repeal
statutes that tax, register and
regulate the use or transfer of
firearms and ammunition.
Make statutes for organizing,
arming and disciplining the
5. Privacy
Repeal statutes repugnant to
4th, 5th, 9th and 10th
Amendments, including
Patriot Act, National Animal
Identification System Act
and those that require
collection of fingerprints,
blood or DNA upon birth.
Cease promulgation of Real
ID Act of 2005 and PASS
Act of 2009. Cease collecting
intelligence of a non-criminal
6. Private Property
Nullify or repeal unconstitutional
confiscation of
private property and any laws
relating thereto.
7. Juries
Require judges to apprise
plaintiffs, defendants and
jurors of ALL of their Rights,
including right to a common
law jury. Require judges to
apprise jurors of their
conflict of interest in cases
where the U.S. is a party.
Provide for trials based on
presentments by citizens’
common law grand juries.
Assure all legal arguments
are heard in front of jury.
8. Income Tax
Nullify the 16th Amendment.
Repeal Subtitles A and C of
the Internal Revenue Code.
Cease collection of direct tax
on labor and withholding of
earnings from paychecks.
Release and restore citizens
wrongfully imprisoned or
9. Foreign Policy
Discontinue foreign aid not
necessary for the defense
against invasion of the U.S.
Nullify unconstitutional
treaties. Repeal the Patriot
Act, Military Commissions
Act, the Real ID and PASS
Acts and any other Act
repugnant to the 4th
10. Money
Enact statute establishing a
National Advisory
Commission on Alternative
and Competitive Currency
and calling on States to
establish similar
Commission, all for the
purpose of adoption by the
United States and the several
States, as rapidly as possible,
an economically sound and
Constitutional alternative and
competitive currency
consisting of gold and silver
11. Public Debt
Cancel all debt incurred
unconstitutionally, whether
by unconstitutional Bills of
Credit issued under the
auspices of the Federal
Reserve System, or for
unconstitutional programs,
activities or expenditures.
Limit spending to activities
directly authorized under
Article I, Section 8. Transfer
all Federal Reserve Assets to
the Treasury Department,
converting them to gold and
silver. Repeal legal tender
laws. Preclude interference
with any private medium of
exchange. Repeal the Federal
Reserve Act.
12. War Powers
Withdraw troops from all
countries throughout the
world in twelve months.
Limit military action to the
common defense; no
preemptive war; repeal all
acts pertaining to delegation
of congressional war powers
to the President; cease
funding of offensive military
activities; impeach President
for non-compliance; retain
jurisdiction of National
Guard troops to their states.
President shall instruct
military personel to honor
Oath of Office.
13. Eligibility
Investigate the truth
concerning the Natural Born
Citizenship status of the
President, and those who
may have committed fraud or
conspired to commit fraud.
Remove the President from
office should it be
determined that he is not a
natural born citizen.
Establish procedures to
verify Presidential
candidates, and share
information with public.
14. Illegal Immigration
Apply penalties per 8 USC
Sec 1227 and INA Sec 237;
Congress shall ensure that
President takes "care that
immigration laws be
faithfully executed" and
Congress shall prohibit social
services or amnesty for
illegal immigrants. Congress
shall impeach the President
for failure to honor his Oath
of Office in this regard.
The report talks about a gas chamber/pocket under the floor of the Gulf that is on fire that they cannot put out; that they lit when tryng to burn off the methane gas that is also surging out along with the oil. They expect that at some point the gas chamber/pocket will explode and cause a Tsunami onto the Gulf coastal areas, flooding out Florida, and up the Mississippi river - and will wipe out anything below an elevation of 200 feet about sea level.
They have been working on methods to evacuate people on the coast - separate them from their guns - put them in FEMA camps. They have been staging on Grand Isle, Louisiana for two weeks; UN troops have been on the move in Pennsylvania (perhaps to block highways heading south so that no one can assist southerns fighting to keep from being put on FEMA trains);
UN troops have also been seen in North Carolina; UN vans (thousand) parked on a closed military installation north of Jacksonville, FL. Reports have been made concerning the health risk of the methane gas in the air on the coast as a danger to small children and pregnant women.
The Gulf oil leak can be read in the Bible, Job 41, including the sulfur lake that Tony Hayward is creating with the Corexit 95 that he's continuing to put into the Gulf against US fed. authority/EPA. Obama is allowing him to handle the situation. Hayward is a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a Satan-worshipping group
Bachmann Worried Obama Will 'Politicize' Spill Fund
View This Critical Broadcast Featuring
Bill O'Reilly, Dick Morris, Jim Rogers, and Christopher Ruddy
And Then Take a Few Moments to Discover How You
Could Potentially Add $3,636 (or more) to Your Bank Account
Starting July 8
Gallup: Majority Doesn't Want Obama Re-elected
NRA Under Fire for Disclose Act
Al Gore Shocked by The Great Cool-Down’
What does come "After Capitalism"?
Gulf Oil Disaster... BP Deepwater Ground Zero
Sholom Rubashkin to receive 27-year prison sentence
Monsanto claims victory at Supreme Court
Criminal Investigation of BP Staged Oil Spill Vital
Mind Control & Mainstream Media
Lieberman: China Can Shut Down The Internet, Why Can’t We? ~ Senator Joe Lieberman, co-author of a bill that would give President Obama a ‘kill switch’ to shut down parts of the Internet, attempted to reassure CNN viewers yesterday that concerns about the government regulating free speech on the web were overblown, but he only stoked more alarm by citing China, a country that censors all online dissent against the state, as the model to which American should compare itself.
Greg, you may want to watch this video as well. It was just featured. Perhaps it will give you some insight as to why the disaster happened. All conspiracy theories set aside for a minute, this is the real cause of the mess.
"FEMA, the Video Game
Homeowners the Next Target of Oil Spill Mania
States Need To Launch Criminal Investigation Into BP, Federal Government’s Role SO GOOGLE THIS SEE WHAT YOU MAY FIND
In Oil Spill (First Post Was Removed By Ning Censorship)"
The Humane Society ... Gulf Coast Video: HSUS team tours Gulf Coast and prepares recommendations for the long road ahead
You know the left is feeling the heat when their vitriol escalates and they lash out even more than normal. They're on the defensive because they know that Americans are PAYING CLOSE ATTENTION to what is happening in this country and the end result could mean big losses at the polls for them and the ideology that they push so fervently at the detriment of our nation.
Friends, we're calling on each of you to fully realize both your potential as one person who can make a difference and your role as part of a larger community who can greatly shape the direction that our country is to take. We already know of many races that will be in our favor this year, but will they be enough to take back our country? We've seen what can happen with the current Democrat control of both Congress and the White House. We CANNOT afford to let them reign over our nation if we hope to recover economically and to ensure our freedoms.
So, the question is, Mama & Papa Grizzlies, how badly do you want to defeat the elitist, ideological train wreck coming out of Washington, D.C.?
From our state groups to local gathering (TS-LG) groups, from candidate-focused groups to specific issue groups, the Team Sarah community is set for the fight in November as we take the community from virtual to street level. Join the effort and meet-up with fellow Team Sarah members in your area to formulate plans to engage your local community! The primary races are crucial and here is the primary schedule for the next couple of months:
Upcoming Primaries:
Tomorrow, June 22nd - Utah
July 20th - Georgia
July 27th - Oklahoma
Aug. 3rd - Kansas, Michigan, Missouri
Aug. 5th - Tennessee
Aug. 10th - Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada
Aug. 17th - Washington, Wyoming
Aug. 24th - Alaska, Arizona, Florida
Aug. 28th - Louisiana
Sept. 14th - Delaware, Dist. of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin, Hawaii
With the healthcare takeover, the push for Cap and Trade, incompetent leadership during our current oil spill crisis, the brazen takeover of private industry, flawed economic policies and the complete disregard for our values and freedoms, the list of grievances grows daily under Democratic control. Team Sarah is setting up a forum area for continually updated information on the healthcare takeover and so look for that in the near future, along with other tools to better equip you for November and for keeping up the pressure on an out-of-control Washington.
The Susan B. Anthony List continues to campaign against the healthcare takeover signers with their next focus on the Kelly/Dahlkemper race. With their endorsement of Mike Kelly in PA's 3rd district, President Marjorie Dannenfelser states, "Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper will soon realize, as Alan Mollohan and Bart Stupak already have, that votes do have consequences."
Indeed, they all need to know that their votes and their actions will have consequences come November!
Insider trading conviction of Soros is upheld
ACORN lives On... WHY??!
The Gulf Gusher & the NWO Agenda

Deepwater Disaster Overview

What's wrong with the sun?

The Second Amendment (Gun Rights)

Alex Details Last Days of The Internet on Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 1/4 (Video)

Corexit Is Killing The Gulf (Part I) & ( Part 2 ) Aerial Spraying (Video)

OLS - Gassed In The Gulf - Possible Evacuations? - 2010 (Video)

OLS - Oil Spill Cover up - Continuation of Silence - 2010.wmv (Video)

Obama Mocking the Bible (Video)

Don't believe in chemtrails? Watch this! (Video)

911 Mysteries : squibs (Video)

Turtles in Gulf being burned alive! BP Stopping efforts to save.

B.P, Halliburton and Transocean have unleashed Armageddon and now there is no stopping it.
Cutting through Israel's propaganda war in the US
"NRA State Roundup 6-18-10"
NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT Vol. 17, No. 24 06/18/10 Statement From NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox On H.R. 5175, The "DISCLOSE Act"
Deepwater Disaster Overview
The Gulf Gusher & the NWO Agenda" in the group Oil and Energy on Global Conspiracy Theories
Help Wildlife Impacted by the BP Oil Spill
Obama's Thuggery Is Useless in Fighting Spill
A Roadmap for American Renewal
You're a racist, you're an anti-semite!
Johnson: From Helen Thomas to Harry Reid, such accusations avoid dealing with real structural issues

Right wins big in Colombia
Forrest Hylton: Defense minister linked to 'False Positives' murders becomes president

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