Wilkerson on Cheney Hyper-nationalist Cheney got rich at Halliburton then "Co-President" with Bush
DID YOU KNOW Statue of Joseph Stalin to be Unveiled in Virginia
This Sunday, people around the world will honor the 66th anniversary of D-Day, when over 160,000 troops from the United States, Britain, France and Canada bravely stormed the beaches of Normandy, marking a turning point in World War II. In Bedford, Virginia, a memorial to the invasion will be unveiled with statues of western Allied leaders, including President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Harry Truman. The memorial will also include a bust of dictator Joseph Stalin Residents of Bedford are rightfully outraged. Annie Pollard, a Bedford County supervisor, and a volunteer at the memorial told the Lynchburg News and Advance: "I just don't think it belongs on the hill with them.To me, he (Stalin) is just a murderer. I just can't see how he fits in with the memorial. They are people we want to remember. He's someone I'd rather forget
James Morrison and fellow veterans from the Bedford Post 54 of the American Legion are equally outraged and have been fighting the effort since the plan was announced in 2007. Morrison, author of the book "Bedford Goes to War: The Heroic Story of a Small Virginia Community in World War II" said: "It's a disgrace and a dishonor to the veterans."
So why do it? William McIntosh, the president of the Memorial Foundation said: "He certainly was a fact of life and a major ally during the second World War . There's nothing about the presentation that's going to be flattering of Stalin. Dr. Lee Edwards, a Distinguished Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, disagrees. Edwards released a statement saying:Since the fall of the Soviet Union, statues of Joseph Stalin have been torn down all over Europe and even in the former Soviet Union itself. The world is closer than ever before to a consensus on the evils of communism and Stalin's primary role in the worst crimes of the last century
And yet a statue of Stalin is included in the National D-Day Memorial, to be dedicated in Bedford, Virginia, this Sunday, June 6.
Near the statue of Stalin, a plaque catalogues Stalin's crimes against millions of people both in Russia and throughout Europe.
But no mere plaque can justify the inclusion of the statue which dishonors the heroic individuals who sacrificed so much on D-Day and in the Cold War.
A bust of Joseph Stalin has no place in a memorial whose purpose is to salute the brave soldiers who made D-Day a vital victory in the crusade for freedom.
It's time for Mr. McIntosh and those responsible for the memorial in Bedford to do the right thing. Follow the lead of those who were oppressed under Joseph Stalin and tear down this statue.
You can learn more about the victims of communism at
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The following post was sent to President Barack Obama at 0722 Hours on Sunday, June 6, 2010.It is not likely that he will be aware of this plan given the various levels of ‘official filters’ which exist between the general public and the White House The only option is that of ‘tree-ing’ the message. Send to your friends & associates in the hopes that someone out there has entrĂ©e to the President, his Praetorian Guard.
Uldrich Plan Part One:
Uldrich Plan Part Two:
The Uldrich Gulf Recovery Plan A Sword-to-Plowshare Program
Mr. President: it is incumbent upon this nation, its leaders, to come to grips with the magnitude of the environmental/economic disaster of the Gulf Oil Spill
Time is not our ally – it is our enemy. I respectfully submit the Uldrich Plan for your purview and action – as President – as our Commander-in-Chief.
1. Bring the Gulf of Mexico back to 2009 (or better) levels By 2020
2. Establish Dynamic Mass Oil Spill Clean Up Bioremediation Protocols - Immediately
3. Establish an Air/Ground Hub Prairie Grass Particulate (PGP™/AAASorb™ Inventory - Immediately
4. Initiate an Agricultural Assuring Inventory Process - Immediately
5. In Parallel, initiate PGP™ Plan Giving the U.S. 30% (or better) of its Bio-Mass Fuel Needs* by 2020 - Immediately
It presumes (and calls for) the full and total commitment of the Office of the President, his entire staff and the unimpeded support of all units of Government.
It calls for the full dedication of resources of the Federal and State governments.
It further calls for the involvement of those countries which border the Gulf of Mexico and those areas which are (or may be) affected by the oil spill.
British Petroleum International, by the nature of its involvement, is also a key player now and in the future.
The Uldrich Plan calls for the immediate cessation of the use of dispersants/surfactants.
The Uldrich Plan is based on Prairie Grass Particulate (PGP™) under the trade name AAASorb™ (or related brands) being the primary agent of adsorption, absorption and agglomeration of surface and subsurface oils.All growers of PGP™ product would be invited to participate in this Plan. Close adherence to the standards that have been set by the Joint Venture of Uldrich-Integris Media/Marketing Inc., and the Vogt Farm will be called for While millions of pounds of PGP™ are currently available for immediate use in the Gulf, billions of pounds of this organic agglomeration product will be needed over time. The primary means of oil spill surface control calls for the wide scale use of U.S. Military air assets (all branches) consisting of Galaxy C5, Globe Master C17, Hercules C130 and the multi-service Osprey. Helicopter assets call for the use of Chinook, Black Hawk, Pave Hawk and commercial helicopters capable of both cargo lift and sling load capabilities.The C5 and C17 assets are for large load transport from Minnesota or other areas having the capability of producing PGP™ in large amounts. This plan also presumes the establishment of an Airfield Storage, Disbursement & aircrew training center. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, having the present capability of handling C5,C17 and C130 operations (helicopter assets also available at MSP) is being advanced as the most logical ‘hub’ site.U.S. Naval assets required call for the return of CV67 (Carrier John F. Kennedy) from its Mayport Naval Station (FL) to active duty as floating ‘C&C’ (Command & Control) asset for the duration of this effort.It further calls for CV67 to be modified to allow C130 landing and take-off** and re-fueling and servicing of the Chinook, Black Hawk/Pave Hawk and Osprey class aircraft If use of CV67 is not practical, the assignment of a major nuclear carrier to the project is called for
U.S. Naval assets required are access to diesel and nuclear submarines which have the sustained depth capability ranging from 300 feet (diesel) to 2000 feet (U.S.S. Sea Wolf category).While all other assets normally used in oil spill containment and clean up will still be called for (booms, skimmers, vacuums etc) PGP/AAAsorb™ would be used on the surface and below the surface exclusively.The Uldrich Plan calls for the creation of a “Gulf Clean-Up Czar” in effect who has command and control of the operation from its inception to a successful conclusion.
If a full military operation, C&C should be at the five star level and carry the designation of “Ambassador” for effective interface with the countries involved. This should be a Cabinet-level unit of the Federal Government through 2020 – beyond if needed.
If at a combined civilian/military level, the civilian should be brevetted to the five-star rank for effective C&C purposes
In addition to U.S. Military access, the full range of services of NOAA and the private research sector should be mobilized into this Plan
The Uldrich Plan calls for strict adherence to time lines and benchmarks for the successful recovery of the Gulf of Mexico to 2009 standards - if not to a higher level – full recovery date: 2020
University of Minnesota Biomass Research – Dr. David Tilman
**Successfully demonstrated on the U.S.S. Forrestal – October, 1963
Independence Party - MN
Enviromentalists Didn't Cause The Gulf Oil Spill ... Peak Oil Did"
Many Gulf federal judges have oil links"
TCUnation continues to grow and be a voice of reason in the world of politically mined landscapes. We strive diligently to promote and allow the discussion of a broad range of topics within the confines of a civil and courteous framework of opinions.
We hope if you have not visited TCUnation of late that you will return to find a great community of conservative Independents, Republicans, Libertarians, Democrats, and Constitutionalists all working together as best we can to further the causes of conservatism in American politics.
Just as the TEA-Party movement in today's politics cannot be defined or contained in a box, so it is with the TCUnation. However, from our mixture the singular voices arise in a harmony of disbelief and anger over what direction the current Democratic administration has taken our Nation. Thus our SINGULAR GOAL between now and the 2010 elections is to push for the overthrow and removal of those that have supported this headlong plunge towards Socialism and Marxist Communism often termed The Progressive Movement. One can call it what they will, but when properly analyzed there is little difference between the goals of this Administration and plain old European Socialism, promulgated with tactics right out of Chicago's political climate. TCUnation (composed of you the members) are encouraged to continue to work diligently to see conservatives elected and Socialists removed from every level of American Politics.
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A NEW FACEBOOK PAGE TO CHECK OUT!/pages/News-Spitter/123307764375385
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excerpt from Paul's sixth blog post;
IN DEFENSE OF HELEN THOMAS - on apologizing to apologists
Helen Thomas is the dean of the White House Press corp. She has a fifty-year history of tough-minded journalism and is one of the very, very few journalists in the mainstream press who has had the guts to question US policy towards Israel.
On Friday she was asked by a guy who stuck a video camera in her face, for any comments on Israel and she said, "Tell them to get the get the hell out of Palestine. Remember, these people [the Palestinians] are occupied and it's their land. It's not Germany, it's not Poland." She was asked where they should go and she answered, "They should go home, to Poland, Germany and America". The video has been making its way around the Internet.
DID YOU KNOW Obama becomes the first U.S. President to hold press conference without any American Flags present
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give special thanks to Evergreen Freedom Foundation for taking the Washington teacher's union (WEA) to the Supreme Court and winning! It is time to take a stand against these unions who misuse member dues to fund liberal political agenda and keeping us from exploring charter schools, parental choice, and funds following the student.
chat at 6:00 pm EST/ 3:00 pm PST to discuss other organizations who are fighting for our students, and what we can do to help educate parents.
Song of Truth delegate at the Tea Party Unity Convention in Vegas 7/15 - 7/17!
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Steaming Tea continues the coverage of tomorrow's primary elections across the
country. Dawn Wildman and Bob Porto bring us the Tea Party efforts in
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SEIU and the Mexican Government. Listen LIVE at from 4-5 eastern.
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Sounds right!
1 day ago
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