here is some news from a watchdog
Islamic Terrorism Timeline
How many Muslims are jihadists?
The easiest answer is: enough to commit the terrorist acts detailed in this 1,000-page-long Islamic Terror Timeline.
But if you are looking for a more analytical response, I think the math goes something like this:
There are between 1.2 and 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. Half are women. While a substantial percentage of Islamic women support jihad, less than one in fifty Islamic terrorist acts is actually perpetrated by a female.
That leaves us with a maximum pool of jihadists that is just over 50% of the total population.
The overwhelming preponderance of terrorist acts are conducted by young Muslim men 15 to 30 years old. This age bracket covers about half of the male population of the Islamic world, leaving us with a potential jihad pool of 25% of all Muslims - approximately 300 million people.
The most logical way to determine the percentage of Muslims who are salafi/fundamentalists - a precondition to jihad - is to consider the most recent elections in Islamic countries. For example, the fundamentalist Islamic group HAMAS received 65% of the popular vote in "Palestine."
The somewhat secular Fatah, at least by comparison to HAMAS, won only 30% of the votes.
While he was not popularly elected, Turkey's president, Ahmet Necdet Sezar, is a fundamentalist Muslim. Turkey's parliament, which selected him by a 70% majority, is formed as a result of a popular mandate and it is predominately composed of fundamentalist Muslims.
Turkey's Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is the nation's most popular leader. He is a convicted felon who believes: "Mosques are our barracks, domes are our helmets, minarets our bayonets, and believers our soldiers."
He won a landslide victory in 2002 - and Turkey is considered to be the most moderate Islamic state.
The newly elected fundamentalist Islamic nutcase ruling Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, earned 62% of the popular vote. The most moderate Islamic challenger garnered less than twenty percent support. The notion that the majority of Iranians are hostile to the Shia mullahs, and are poised for a revolution, is a myth.
In Lebanon, politicians got all excited when 50,000 people marched in support of democracy. The following week when 500,000 people protested in support of Islam/Submission, the percentage of fundamentalist Muslims became clear.
Fundamentalist Islamic candidates in the most recent Iraqi elections, those individuals who belonged to clerical parties like the Islamic Revolution in Iraq founded by Grand Ayatollah al-Sistani, won 65% of the seats in the new parliament.
While opinion surveys can be suspect, and are often tainted by the manner in which a question is phrased, there are two that are worth mentioning.
Opinion polls taken by the British Government reveal that 70% of Iraqis think killing Americans is justified, something that is impossible to justify outside the conditioning of fundamentalist Islam.
The rising death toll of American troops and stunning escalation in terror in Iraq give credence to those numbers. Polls taken in Pakistan, where bin Laden is being harbored, reveal that 70% of Pakistanis view the world's most famous Islamic terrorist very favorably.
In fact, Osama has become the most popular name for boys in the region.
Therefore, based upon the most objective data available to us, at least 60% of all Muslims have the potential to be jihadists by way of their fundamentalist voting patterns.
That is to say, Islam has grown substantially closer to its salafi, and thus terrorist, roots over the past decade. It is safe to say that 750 million Muslims are fundamentalists trying to follow Allah's orders and Muhammad's example. And as fundamentalists, they are potential jihadists.
If the 60% response levels derived from polling data is an accurate reflection of the current state of Islam, then sex and age criteria further reduce Islamic terrorist candidates down to a maximum of one in every seven Muslims - 25% of 60%.
That means that no more than 15% of the total Islamic population of 1.2 to 1.5 billion people has the potential to be a terrorist should the opportunity arise. That equates to a minimum of 180 million potential jihadists and a maximum of 225 million.
But when it comes to actual jihadists, to those who have or will commit an act of terrorism in Allah's name, my research suggests that they represent no more than one in one hundred of the 180 million young fundamentalist Muslim men prepared mentally, morally, and spiritually to be terrorists.
That means that there are 1.8 million actual Islamic jihadists on the planet today - a number which could jump one hundred fold almost instantaneously should the opportunity arise.
Middle East political commentator Daniel Pipes says that there are no less than 130 million Islamic jihadists but I don't believe that is possible because there haven't been sufficient jihadist attacks over the past 20 years for that many Muslims to be engaged in the business of killing people for Allah. The potential pool of jihadists, however, is reasonably close to Pipes' estimate.
Before you get a warm and cozy feeling, thinking that only 60% of Muslims are sufficiently indoctrinated in fundamentalist Islam to be a terrorist should the opportunity arise, and that only 25% of those Muslims are the appropriate age and sex to actually engage in jihad, let's consider some recent historical events.
In 1917, less than 3% of Russians were Communists. Yet since that 3% was sufficiently corrupted by an immoral and ruthless religion (Socialist Secular Humanism), they quickly came to oppress the entire nation - murdering 30 million Russians in the process.
In 1924, less than 3% of Germans were Nazis. And yet since that 3% was sufficiently corrupted by Hitler's "People's Religion" as it was immorally and ruthlessly laid out in Mein Kampf, that 3% came to oppress the entire nation and led the world into a war that killed 50 million people.
Also keep in mind that while only 15% of Muslims are potential jihadists today, that percentage is growing rapidly. Thanks to OPEC funding and clerical indoctrination, the Islamic world is becoming increasingly fundamentalist.
In twenty years most Muslims could be terrorists - and probably will be.
With accessible Infidel targets, the gap between potential jihadists and actual jihadists narrowed substantially. Acts of terrorism increased over one million percent - from one every several months to hundreds per day.
Given the opportunity to tangibly demonstrate their religion, an unparalleled number of Muslims became terrorists.
Therefore, should there be another miscue like Iraq, or should the war on terror be expanded, rather than dealing with 1.8 million Islamic jihadists, the world will have to confront a hundred million of them, or more.
The moral of the story is: the fastest way to convert potential jihadists into actual jihadists is to send infidels into an Islamic country. To say that the American invasion of Iraq was counterproductive, is the understatement of the decade.
Why Do Muslims Deploy the Tactic of Terror?
The reason today's Muslims are terrorists and not warriors was revealed in 1948, 1967, and 1973. While this timeline is dedicated to exposing the onward march of Islamic terrorism since the founding of the crude OPEC cartel in 1960, and not to conventional warfare, a brief review of Islam's wars against Israel provides the key to understanding why Muslims have switched tactics and now almost exclusively deploy terrorism.
The War of Independence in 1948: Israel, still unpacking its moving boxes, lost 6,373 people, or approximately one percent of its population, when the surrounding Islamic nations elected to sweep the Jews into the sea rather than live next to them.
About one third of these losses were civilians. The exact number of Islamic casualties is hard to find, since Muslims have such a propensity for exaggeration and since they have little regard for human life.
But it is estimated that 12,000 Islamic military and mujahideen forces died trying to stop Israel from becoming a nation. After the war, Israel, having beaten the Muslims so decisively, was able to define its own borders.
What's interesting here is that the Islamic fiefdoms which attacked Israel had well established militaries and Israel had no government, no currency, no army, no air force, virtually no weapons, and no common language - and yet they won. Was Allah not Akbar, the Greatest, or did Islam cause Muslims to fail?
The Sinai War of 1956: Israel lost 177 soldiers and took the entire Sinai Peninsula from the aggressor. Egypt lost about 3,000 soldiers, had 5,000 wounded, and another 6,000 taken prisoner.
Unfortunately, Israel entrusted the Sinai to UN Peacekeepers, who simply stepped out of the way when Egypt violated the peace accord less than a decade later. The UN's credibility was the biggest casualty of this conflict.
The Six-Day War in 1967: Egypt's Nasser galvanized Islamic resolve against Israel and threatened an allied assault that would push every Jew into the sea. It didn't work out as he had planned.
Israel lost 338 soldiers on the Egyptian front, 300 on the Jordanian front, and 141 on the Syrian front.
· Egypt, however, lost 80% of its military equipment, 10,000 soldiers and 1,500 officers killed, 5,000 soldiers and 500 officers captured, and 20,000 troops wounded.
· Jordan suffered 7,000 killed and around 16,000 wounded.
· Syria lost 2,500 dead and 5,000 wounded. The Syrians lost half of their tanks and almost all the artillery they had positioned on the Golan Heights.
· The official count of Iraqi casualties was 10 killed and about thirty wounded. It was the most lopsided battle in history, eclipsing the bravado of the Spartans at Thermopylae. (In 480 BCE, 300 Spartan troops killed 6,000 of King Xerxes Persian soldiers and held off 150,000 more.)
· Had it not been for American demands against Israel, Jews would have captured Cairo, Damascus, and Amman and would have controlled all of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.
The War of Attrition in 1968-70: During the Fedayeen War, 367 Israeli soldiers were killed and over three thousand were wounded by Islamic jihadists. There were no published casualty figures on the Egyptian side since that would only serve to highlight how Islamic countries use their own people as if they were ammunition. However, it is estimated that 10,000 Egyptian Fedayeen jihadists died.
Yom Kippur War of 1973: Muslims, led by Egypt and Syria, and backed and financed by Iraqi, Iranian, and Saudi Arabian OPEC petro-dollars, launched a joint surprise attack on Israel on their most important religious day, Yom Kippur, simultaneously invading the Sinai and Golan Heights with Soviet planes, tanks, and armor. Also known as the Ramadan War, it represented the forth major Islamic attack on Israel since the nation was reestablished in 1948.
Out equipped and out numbered 100 to 1, Israel won - stunning and angering Muslims the world over.
Israel was caught by surprise and suffered 2,300 dead, 5,500 wounded, and 294 prisoners - almost all of which were suffered in the first two days.
The Egyptians lost 12,000 dead, 35,000 wounded, and 8,400 prisoners. Syria lost 3,000 dead, 5,600 wounded, and over 400 prisoners, of whom about 20 were Iraqis and Moroccans.
Israel, which was overwhelmingly outnumbered and out equipped, as well as being caught flat-footed, retrieved and repaired a large number of its own tanks as well as hundreds of Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers that had been abandoned by fleeing Muslims.
With them, they fought on and regained the ground that they had initially surrendered.
On the first day, Israel lost 105 airplanes and 5 helicopters, a third of its combat strength, to the Russian SAM missile batteries.
Egyptians lost 235 airplanes and 42 helicopters, while the Syrians lost 135 airplanes and 13 helicopters. Most of the Muslim losses occurred in dogfights in which the Jews were overwhelmingly better pilots.
When jubilant jihadists overran their Russian SAM missile protection, the war turned and 51 unprotected Egyptian and 12 Syrian SAM missile batteries were destroyed.
Israel lost one anti-aircraft gun. The Israeli navy incurred no losses, sinking seven Egyptian and five Syrian missile boats, four Egyptian torpedo boats, and several coastal defense vessels.
Israel had won a clear victory against Syria, conquering considerable territory beyond the ceasefire lines of 1967 and advancing to within about 20 miles of Damascus.
In the Sinai, the Egyptians were clinging to the east side of the canal, but the Israelis had surrounded their Third Army and had successfully advanced to within a few miles of Cairo.
Once again, had the United States not compelled Israel to withdraw, they would have conquered Egypt and Syria.
Sadly, however, the Sinai was given back to Egypt when Jimmy Carter bribed the Islamic nation to stop publicly threatening Israel by giving the Egyptians $2.5 billion a year, as well as full access to the most sophisticated American weapons.
The U.S. also pressured Israel into the dumbest proposal in modern history: "land for peace." They sacrificed the lands they controlled, lost their defensive buffer zone, and have been terrorized by Muslims ever since.
But at least now you know why Muslims have switched tactics from war to terror.
What Is Fundamentalist Islam?
The Arabic religious term for fundamentalist, is salaf. Salafi (Arabic for Ancestor) Islam (Arabic for Submission) is the religion of Muhammad (Islam's lone prophet and Allah's singular voice).
It is the Islam recorded in the Qur'an (Recital from ar-Rahman and Allah), in the Hadith (Oral Reports from the Salaf/Ancestors regarding Muhammad), the Sira (Biography of Muhammad as told by the prophet's Companions), and Ta'rikh (History of Islam's Formation as recorded in the earliest Hadith).
Salafi Islam is indistinguishable from Islamic Sunnah (Arabic for the Example of Muhammad - the basis the Islamic religion, law, custom, behavior, and culture).
Salafi Islam provides the entire basis for the Islamic religion and for Sharia Law - collectively the most repressive, unproductive, and anti-democratic system on earth.
Salafi Islam provides the basis for all of Islam's Five Pillars and for its mindless ritual. The Salaf were the sole conduits of information regarding Muhammad and his God Allah. There is no Islam without the Salaf/Ancestors.
Based upon polling data from Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon, and the recent Palestinian elections, sixty to seventy percent of Muslims worldwide are Salafists.
That means that fundamentalist Islam, the Islam of virtually all terrorists, is not a fringe movement. The 9/11 suicide bombers were Salafi Muslims as are 95% of the world's terrorists and 99.99% of Islamic terrorists.
Salafi Islam is the purest form of the religion. It is based entirely upon the oldest and most authentic Islamic sources. That makes it is the antithesis of a corruption of the religion.
Salafist Muslims surrender to Allah's, Muhammad's, and the Qur'an's authority so they are the antithesis of insurgents (meaning those who rebel against authority). While Salafist Muslims highjacked airplanes and turned them into weapons of mass destruction, the terrorists have not highjacked their religion.
Until you come to understand what the five oldest Islamic sources reveal about Muhammad, Allah, and Islam (those being the Qur'an, Ishaq's Sira, Tabari's Ta'rikh, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith Collections) you have no chance whatsoever of understanding Islamic terrorism or how to combat it.
In fact, like the president of the United States, if you speak out or lash out without first coming to understand Salafi Islam, you will do far more harm than good.
At this point I should also mention that there is a solution to Islamic terrorism.
The three part plan to eliminate the threat of terror in thirty days was presented in Tea With Terrorists - Who They Are, Why They Kill, and What Will Stop Them over four years ago.
While it was composed in the form of a novel to make it more engaging, to enable me to dramatically forecast the America's bleak future, and to help the medicine go down, all of the information presented in the book is factual, including its portrayal of my meeting with al-Qaeda, HAMAS, Fatah, al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades,Hizballah, and Islamic Jihad.
Returning to the pervasiveness of fundamentalist Islam, it's important for you to know that the Saud Wahhabi warlords oppressing the indoctrinated fiefdom of Saudi Arabia are resolutely Salafists.
That is why Saudi Arabia is one of the world's leading terrorist manufacturing facilities. It is why 85% of the 9/11 suicide bombers were Saudi subjects.
Al-Qaeda is Salafist and Wahhabist, and thus is lock step with the Islamic educational and religious system entrenched in Saudi Arabia.
Al-Qaeda is a spiritual religious association and not an organization based upon race, geography, or infrastructure. Osama bin Laden's authority comes from Allah. Among al-Qaeda's four founding fathers you will find a Palestinian, a Saudi, a Pakistani, and an Egyptian.
The most significant contributor to Islamic terrorism is Pakistan, where the dictatorial government of General Musharraf is Salafist.
Pakistan's mosques and madrassas have manufactured more actual terrorists than Saudi Arabia. They are responsible for the Taliban - the fundamentalist regime associated with al-Qaeda. Taliban chief Mullah Omar was educated in the Binori Mosque Madrassa in Karachi.
The head of Pakistan's ISI intelligence service, Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, not only provided the funds, arms, and direction to the Taliban, he and they provided direct wire transfers to Muhammad Atta, the 9/11 ringleader, immediately before he murdered 3,000 Americans.
Pakistan is the home of Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Shaikh Muhammad, the men many believe conceived the first and second World Trade Center bombings.
The third member of the Salafist Trinity may take you by surprise.
It is the Shia mullahs who lord over Iran. Shia Islam is Salafi Islam. All five of Islam's earliest and most authoritative sources, including the Qur'an, are Shi'ite in origin.
The Islamic clerics who control Iran are Salafists - as are the poisonous anti-Semitic words which pour out of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's mouth.
But the moment you recognize this reality, all hope of victory in Afghanistan and Iraq dissipates.
By way of the Taliban, Pakistan still controls neighboring Afghanistan. And by way of Shi'ite clerics like al-Sadr and the Ayatollah al-Sistani, Iran now controls neighboring Iraq.
Can You Handle the Truth?
What you are about to read is very controversial - not because the evidence is in dispute, but because it isn't.
Seventy percent of those reading this introduction won't go on to consider what I have discovered because the facts regarding terrorism are contrary to their perceptions.
Conservative Christians are intolerant of those who expose the failings of their country and government - a subject which is inescapable when dealing with the root cause of terror.
Liberal Secularists are intolerant of those who are judgmental, especially if they hold a religion other than Christianity accountable for its atrocities. So if you fall into either of these camps, goodbye.
Facts which conflict with accepted societal notions - especially economic, political, and religions ones - are rejected by most people, even if they are irrefutable.
We all have a lens through which we view the world, one crafted and shaped by religion, politics, race, or secular associations.
Most folks are myopic, only seeing what is right before them. They aren't concerned about the big picture because they lack perspective.
And these conditions restrict and cloud the lens that is required to tie a broad array of facts together and form a clear and focused image.
Those steeped in America's national religion, socialist secular humanism, will disregard all of the facts and write off this treatise as intolerant, hateful, unenlightened and bigoted.
It is easier for them to demean the messenger than it is for them to deal with the message. Such people have been taught to be irrational, so this will come naturally. If you fall into this group, you will find nothing of value in this report. It's not so much that your lens has been narrowed, but that it can no longer focus. You have lost the ability to be judgmental and with it, discernment.
If you are political, an NPR Democrat or a Limbaugh Republican, someone who shapes the facts to harmonize with their liberal or conservative agenda, chances are you will scan this material and then discredit it by impugning my motives.
While you are able to focus your lens, it is occluded, blocking the passage of light which irritates a jaundiced eye. There are no heroes in this review and there is no reason for optimism.
Truth is neither liberal nor conservative. Neither Democrat nor Republican hold the high moral ground when it comes to "the war on terrorism."
Political parties make a game of perceptions, creating an artificial perspective that they tout as reality. However, in this case, the evidence can't be spun - there is too much of it and it all leads to the same place.
The facts demean both political parties, proving that no one in politics or the media can be trusted.
Therefore, liberals will write me off as a right wing, fundamentalist religious whacko while conservatives will claim that I'm an ungrateful, unpatriotic, anti-American liberal.
Unable to deal with facts which prove everyone's chosen party and favorite candidates are lying, the politicized will put the evidence in a box, apply a label, and close the lid.
The third filter precluding rational thought is conventional religion. This lens is the most convoluted. Religious people believe what they are told. They are conditioned not to question God, authority, or tradition.
If you are religious, chances are you are comforted by illusions, ones that are in irreconcilable conflict with the divine revelation that forms the basis of your faith.
For example, while Yahweh's Scripture tells us to be intolerant, to expose and condemn lies, we find the most vociferous, albeit ignorant, support for Islam in Catholicism, Evangelical Christianity, and in Socialist Secular Humanism.
If you are a victim of these religious scams, I dare say that your lens is probably too misshapen to accept what lies before you. You will be particularly put off by my judgmental nature, uncompromising attitude, and sarcastic tone.
I'm not so much being defensive here as I am trying to cull the audience. Life is short; why waste people's time.
Only a tiny fraction of those who stumbled upon this review will be able to effectively process what it reveals. We live in a world that wants its ears tickled and that has become allergic to the truth.
What's more, understanding doesn't come easily. You have to want to know the truth sufficiently to be willing to invest the time needed to learn it.
Understanding requires a foundation of fact. And wisdom requires the ability to connect those facts together so that they form a picture.
Something to Think About
The Islamic Terror Timeline is 1,000 pages long, and yet reading this review without first coming to understand Islam, and the religion's direct connection to terrorism, would be like erecting a house before establishing the foundation. Said another way, the best way to understand today, is to view it from the perspective of yesterday.
Once one knows where man has been, it's easy to predict where he is going and why he is headed there.
The evidence - the only evidence - proves beyond any doubt that Muslims are terrorists because Muhammad, Islam's lone prophet and Allah's singular voice, was a ruthless and dedicated terrorist.
Islamic militants, called insurgents today, are good Muslims, not bad ones. The jihadists haven't corrupted Islam, hijacked their religion, nor interpreted it incorrectly, and therefore they aren't radicals. Islam isn't a peaceful religion; it is a declaration of war against all mankind.
While bad Muslims can be moderate and peaceful, they have no influence because the Qur'an tells good Muslims to kill them.
Since what I claim is rationally irrefutable, it means that virtually everyone else is lying - including the president of the United States.
With the liberty and prosperity of the entire world at stake, with blood and coin being spilled in great quantities over the "war on terror" - why?
How is it that people are so ill-informed about the root cause of terrorism that political, religious, academic, financial, and media leaders get away with such errant proclamations? I'll let you ponder that question for a moment.
A Familiar Comparison
Let's turn back the clock to April, 1975, to a related subject: the fall of Saigon to the Communists. It forced Americans to recognize that they had been misled. The blood of 55,000 United States troops had been spilled for naught.
Even worse, at the time America needed to deal with the funding mechanism fueling its real enemy, Islam, the U.S. became isolationist and demoralized.
Americans learned very little from Vietnam. I say this because the nation's leaders have blindly repeated the same mistakes in Iraq.
In both wars, one lie led to more. Half the populous became flag-waving cheerleaders for a failed cause. The other half became disillusioned protestors and societal dropouts.
Since the "war against terrorism" is inseparable from America's misadventure in Iraq, we will invest considerable energy in unraveling its myths.
What you will discover starting with the April 2003 exhibits in the Terror Timeline will radically change your view of America regardless of where you currently stand politically.
But since the timeline commences in 1960, I think it is constructive to compare the ongoing conflict with a concluded one at this time so that you might move forward with a more skeptical attitude.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident used by President Johnson to solicit Congressional approval for the Vietnam War, never occurred.
But once it was learned that the attack on an American warship was a fable, and Congress was committed, the war was justified by saying that the establishment of a free and democratic state in South Vietnam would thwart communist designs to take over that part of the world.
Actually, it inspired and aided them. In truth, during the Vietnam era, American corporations and politicians were funding the communist regimes in China and the USSR which were equipping the militias that were killing American troops.
In Iraq, the same thing is happening by way of an American corporate and political alliance with OPEC oil.
As evidence that history repeats itself, the alleged Iraqi purchase of uranium ore from Niger that was used by President Bush in his State of the Union speech to suggest that Saddam Hussein might be responsible for a "mushroom cloud" billowing over America, was a myth. In fact, this fabled excuse for war was known to be untrue, before, during, and after the time it was used to justify the unjustifiable.
The lie, however, was sufficient to gain Congressional approval for war. Yet when there were no weapons of mass destruction poised to clobber Americans, a new rationalization was required.
So the nation was told that by establishing a free and democratic country in Iraq, the U.S. would thwart Islam's designs to terrorize the world.
And yet by turning over the government of Iraq to Islamic clerics, America achieved the opposite result. Under the control of the Shi'ites, Iraq will be a more violent place to live, it will now manufacture more terrorists, and the country under Sharia law will be less free and democratic than it was under the old secular regime.
If you need proof, take an honest assessment of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan where Sharia law was imposed, where the Taliban controls everything outside of Kabul, and where heroin production is now the principle crop.
Or consider this: over the last 30 years, Saddam Hussein poisoned 3,000 Iraqi civilians while over the past 3 years the Islamicists in control of Iraq have murdered 30,000 Iraqis.
In Vietnam and Iraq, America toppled existing governments, only to see their replacements become ever more corrupt and futile. In both cases, the violence escalated into civil war - ones that devastated the civilian populations the U.S. was allegedly trying to liberate. In both cases, the exit strategy became the training and equipping of the Vietnamese/Iraqis to protect themselves. In both cases over 250,000 native troops were equipped and trained and yet they consistently did more harm than good.
In Iraq, as in Vietnam, American troops were asked to battle an enemy which didn't wear uniforms.
It was impossible to tell friend from foe. And every bomb Americans dropped, and every shot they fired, manufactured a hundred combatants for every one that was killed.
In fact, in both places, the Americans became the target of a vicious, low tech, guerilla hit and run campaign that caused tens of thousands of casualties.
I'll bet you don't know that mishaps and mistaken identities claimed the lives of 99.94% of the American soldiers who have died in Iraq.
Saddam Hussein's forces, the regime that the coalition went in to fight, claimed the rest. Five Americans were killed by Iraq's armed forces; Iraqi civilians and accidents claimed 2,951 lives (2,592 American soldiers, 125 American civilians, and 227 coalition members as of August 10, 2006).
And while that's bad, the new Iraq has become a terrorist killing zone where over 30,000 Iraqi civilians have died as the result of terrorism - an average of 30 people per day.
President Johnson is recorded a year into the Vietnam War, after only 5,000 of what would ultimately be 55,000 American casualties, saying: "I know that there is no way to win this goddamn war but I can't get out of it either. America will not tolerate a president who retreats in defeat." So he, like George Bush, would allow more Americans to die so that he could save face.
There have been nearly 20,000 American casualties in Iraq, and over 2,700 Americans have come home in body bags. How many more boys will die and be mutilated before the nation realizes that Iraq, like Vietnam, was a mistake - a war that cannot, and could never be won.
Democracy is based upon choice and choice cannot be compelled. And since "Islam" is Arabic for "submission," there will never be freedom where the religion is in control.
Unthinking Christian conservatives and flag-waving Republicans, plaster their cars with stickers which say "support our troops" while they rally around thoughtless slogans like "don't cut and run," and "honor those who have died by staying the course." It is what happened in Vietnam. I was part of the problem then.
And as a result of people like me, the lives of 55,000 young men and women were squandered because the nation would not stand up and hold its deceitful and self-serving politicians accountable. I'm sorry, I was wrong, but I won't make the same mistake again. How about you?
Republicans would have you believe that the choice is between retreating in defeat or marching on to victory. But unfortunately, the second option does not exist. No matter when America leaves Iraq the result will be the same: fundamentalist Muslims will be in control.
The choice is: defeat at the cost of 2,700 American lives and $350 billion dollars or defeat at a higher price still. It was the choice that existed with regard to Vietnam. You know how that turned out.
Because Americans remained unwilling to acknowledge what the religion of man, socialist secular humanism, does to one's moral perspective, their sense of right and wrong, American stayed the course in Vietnam until "Peace with Honor" could be achieved.
But because Communists, like Muslims, think that deceiving one's enemy is good, the agreement proved worthless. Within weeks of America's departure from Vietnam the country was in worse shape than the nation found it.
The same condition will reoccur in Iraq. No matter when the American troops leave, no matter how many are killed, Iraq will be an Islamic state run by clerics influenced by Iran.
America has already made Iraq far less peaceful and free than it was before and there is no way to reverse course. There is nothing that can be done to reverse the trend. And I'm not using hindsight to be critical; I publicly predicted this outcome and made these comparisons, six months before America engaged in Iraq. I was not a prophet; I was just informed.
The Solution
That is not to say that Islamic terrorism cannot be stopped. It can be, but not the way America is going about it - with phantom enemies, guns, and bombs. Four months after 9/11, after having personally met with al-Qaeda, and having studied Islam, I wrote and began to publicize a three-part plan to save Muslims from the religion of submission and non-Muslims from the terror Islam inspires.
Point One: Come to know and rely upon God. Yahweh alone is the source of the enlightenment, discernment, compassion and courage Americans need to confront the most deceitful, destructive, and deadly foe to ever infect the minds of men.
Without this foundation, without His perspective, without his judgmental view, there will be no victory over evil. America needs an accurate map and a repaired moral compass. Without these, the nation will continue to shoot itself in the foot.
Point Two: Come to understand and then boldly condemn the enemy: Islam. The terrorists haven't corrupted their religion, Islam has corrupted them. The religion of submission cannot survive an open and honest discussion of its convoluted and foolish scriptures, its sexually perverted terrorist prophet, or its deceitful and demented god.
When Western leaders become unified and resolute in their hostility to Islam's violent and ungodly beginnings, Muslims will flee the religion because they will be horrified by its endorsement of terrorism, mass murder, slave trading, plunder, kidnapping, and rape.
Point Three: Take control of OPEC crude to stop the manufacture of Islamic terrorists. Since there has never been a viable economy in any Islamic nation, since tyranny is expensive, and since without tyranny there is no indoctrination, by cutting off the crude spigot, every Islamic regime will fall, and with them so will Islamic terrorism.
The Islamic fiefdoms are all maintained by the funds they receive directly or indirectly from black ooze.
In Tea With Terrorists - Who They Are, Why They Kill, & What Will Stop Them, written in the immediate aftermath of 9/11/2001, you will find this three-part plan laid out in considerable detail. I wrote Yada Yahweh - A Conversation With God, as a means to achieve Point One. Prophet of Doom - Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's Own Words serves as a means to achieve Point Two. The Islamic Terrorism Timelinefocuses on the legacy of the prophet of doom. While Tea With Terrorists explains the how and why of Point Three, OPEC: the Crude Nature of Islamic Terror is designed to augment that message.
A Journey of Discovery
The first stop on your journey of discovery should be to review Muhammad's life in the context of his formation of Islam in the seventh century. Between now and the time I complete a summary review of how Muhammad inspired Islamic terrorism.
If you are under a time constraint, flip forward to "War Made A Prophet," and then read "The Islamic Holocaust," "Blood & Booty," and "Jihad."
You will learn that Muhammad was a ruthless terrorist which is why all good Muslims are terrorists.
Your second stop should be to review Muhammad's legacy - Islam's story from its prophet's death to the formation of modern terrorist organizations.
Unfortunately, Americans believe that the war on terrorism started with Osama bin Laden. It is as if Islam's 1,400-year history of bloodshed and oppression had never occurred.
It's interesting to note that for the first 3,100 years of recorded history, from 2,500 BCE to 600 CE, there isn't a single documented case to be found anywhere in the world of Arabs leaving Arabia to conquer or plunder any country.
Surrounded by warring nations, the Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, and later by the Persians, Greeks, and Roman Byzantines, the Arabs had a record as peaceful as any race in human history.
But then Muhammad invented Islam in the seventh century and for the next one hundred years, Arabs, now Muslims, became the world's most savage barbarians. After depriving their own people of freedom and prosperity they plundered the world from India to Spain of theirs.
One day I will write the history of Islamic terrorism from the War of Compulsion to the birth of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the meantime, you will find a truncated review in the last half of Tea With Terrorists - Who They Are, Why They Kill & What Will Stop Them.
Rather than jump right into coterminous rise in crude prices and Islamic terrorism, your third stop in this voyage through time should be to linger on the history of OPEC's founding fathers, the fiefdoms and their lords.
From this perspective, you will understand the crude world, and you will be able to juxtapose the history of OPEC with the history of Islamic terrorism.
I have completed this review for your convenience. You will find it listed on the site under: OPEC: the Crude Nature of Islamic Terrorism.
The What and Who of the ITT
The Islamic Terrorism Timeline is an amalgamation of countless sources dedicated to documenting Islam's signature act. I believe that it is the most complete review of Islamic jihad yet written, yet it is neither comprehensive nor perfect. While I have dedicated a year of my life to putting this together for you, I am certain that I have missed 99 out of every 100 acts of Islamic terrorism.
That is because in the lands Islam has corrupted, there are very few journalists, and very few eyewitnesses have survived to tell the tale. But while most of Islam's brutality goes unreported, the religion is so perverse; Muslims actually claim "credit" for a substantial percentage of their carnage.
On the other side, it is possible that I have inadvertently associated some minute percentage of the inhuman acts detailed in this timeline to Muslims when other madmen were instead responsible.
If you find such an example, or if you discover something important that I have missed, please forward the evidence you have found and we will correct the record.
But a word of caution, never rely on a singular source.
Also, you should know going in that I am judgmental, although I prefer the term discerning. I have endeavored to hold the religion of Islam accountable for the inhuman behavior it has inspired.
That does not mean that I judge the religion based upon the acts of the many who have risen up to terrorize mankind.
My condemnation of Islam is based entirely upon the revolting nature of the religion's five oldest sources, the demented life and words of the religion's lone prophet, the revolting behavior of the first Muslims, Muhammad's Companions, and the demonic nature of Islam's god, Allah. Terror is nothing more than an outgrowth of Islam.
You should also know that while I know that Islam is responsible for 95% of the world's terror, I do not see Islam as the only evil influence in the world. If you will read Yada Yahweh, you will see that I am extraordinarily critical of the religions of Christianity and Judaism because they have also done horrible things by corrupting the message of the Scriptures they claim to be based upon.
If you read Tea With Terrorists, you will find that I am most critical of the religion of man, socialist secular humanism. But if you read these books, you will discover that while I despise all religions, I serve as a flawed, yet zealous, representative of Yahweh - the Creator and Savior.
Sure, God can do much better than me, but I was used because I was willing to serve in a mission in which most every religious leader, politician, academician, and media spokesperson, as well as those influenced by them, would see me as the enemy.
Therefore, please don't write me and tell me that I am being unfair because Catholics, Americans, and Europeans have also acted poorly. I know they have, and in the proper forum, I have striven to hold them accountable.
One last thought on being judgmental. When we lose the ability to judge, to be discerning, we lose the ability to be moral. When we obfuscate our opportunity to be discriminating, we abandon the benefits of free will and choice.
Wisdom is the synthesis of knowing the facts, and then connecting that which appears haphazard and unrelated, appropriately. To be wise, one must evaluate what they have learned in a discriminating fashion, always aware of the pieces fit together to form a whole.
The wise are always cognizant of the consequences of human behavior and words. When one does these things well, they come to recognize that the most compassionate thing a person can do is to expose and condemn deceptive, destructive, and deadly doctrines.
Setting the Record Straight
You will find that a disproportional percentage of terrorist atrocities have been perpetrated by so-called "Palestinians" because they live among Jews, Islam's primary enemy.
Muslims, at the direction of their anti-Semitic god and prophet still strive to drive Jews into the sea. The death of Jews, and Christians who support them, remains the cause celeb of the Islamic world.
It is not a coincidence that the starting date of the Islamic Terror Timeline is coterminous with the foundation of OPEC - terror's crude fuel. The OPEC dictators oppressing Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Libya initially selected PLO terrorism as their favorite charity.
That's primarily because the Qur'an is the most anti-Semitic document ever written, more vile than Mein Kampf.
Muhammad robbed, enslaved, raped, and murdered a higher percentage of Jews within his reach than did Adolf Hitler.
Also, all dictators require an imaginary foe, someone they can blame for the dire plight they themselves perpetrate on their own people.
America is targeted by Islam primarily because of its perceived support of Israel, a nation universally blamed for the desperate plight of the Islamic world. Sure it's senseless, but so is Islam.
I call the Muslims who use the "Palestinian" moniker "so-called" because the last Palestinian was killed in the seventh century BCE by armies from today's Iran and Iraq. The name Palestina was coined by the Romans in 135 CE following Rabbi Akiba's failed Messianic revolt. The Romans renamed the land, killed a million Jews, banished the remaining Jews from the Judea, and then salted the land in response.
Therefore, there is no such place as "Palestine" nor people called "Palestinians." The labels are simply used today in an effort to errantly convince the world that the Jewish homeland belongs to the Muslims who conquered it following Muhammad's death in the late 7th century CE.
The focus of Islamic terrorism shifts dramatically by the late 1980s. The Islamic government of Pakistan, working with Saudi Arabia and the United States, began fueling the Great Jihad. By 2000, ground zero for Islamic terrorism is Pakistan's state-sponsored terror in Kashmir.
By the time we reach 2003, a disproportionate number of terrorist atrocities are being perpetrated by Islamic militants in Iraq.
The transfer of power from a secular government to a sectarian one facilitated the adverse conditions that have caused countless Iraqis (40,000 to 600,000 depending upon whose research you trust) to lose their lives over the past three years.
By bringing "crusading infidels," better known as the United States military, into jihadist striking rage, Americans have been killed in alarming numbers.
The U.S. has made itself a target of opportunity which is why Iraq related news dominates the timeline's review of 2003 and 2004. Simply stated, America's invasion of Iraq and its "War on Terror" increased acts of Islamic terrorism by one million percent.
Another reason for the profusion of news from Iraq is that the Western press is embedded there, albeit hunkered down inside the Green Line. With reporters in the combat zone, the world is somewhat more aware of just how uncivil Muslims can be.
Most Islamic terrorism goes unreported because where there is Islam there is no free press. The best example of this is the Sudan. While Sudanese Muslim militias have murdered 2.7 million non-Islamic Africans over the past 30 years, an average of 250 civilians a day, the news goes unreported because there are no surviving eyewitnesses.
Can We Talk?
It is important that we speak the same language, so I'd like to confirm the meaning of some commonly misunderstood terms.
· Islam does not mean peace. It means submission, a name which defines its purpose. Islam is equal parts a repressive religion and dictatorial political system.
If you'd like a contemporary comparison, apart from nomenclature, time, and place, Islam is indistinguishable from Nazism. Hitler's Mein Kampf and Muhammad's Qur'an are astonishingly similar as were the men's lives who authored them.
· Muslim means "one who submits." According to the Qur'an, a good Muslim is someone who obeys Allah's orders and follows Muhammad's example. To understand these commands and to be aware of this example, you will have to study Muhammad's words and deeds as they are presented in the Islamic Hadith, Sira, Ta'rikh, and Qur'an.
The moment you understand what Allah allegedly said and Muhammad did you will recognize that all good Muslims are bad people.
That is because Muhammad was a sexual pervert, thief, racist, slave trader, kidnapper, mass murderer, and terrorist.
Using the Qur'anic definition, a bad Muslim is someone who won't fight to spread Islam. They are either ignorant of, or simply ignore the words of Allah and deeds of Muhammad.
The Qur'an describes these people as "hypocrites" in the 9th surah because they are good, peace-loving people. These bad, hypocritical, and peace-loving Muslims were Islam's first victims and they remain the religion's primary target.
The best example of this is what is happening in Iraq today. We ought to care enough about these people to criticize the religion that terrorizes them into submission.
The advocates of political correctness, the moral code of socialist, secular humanism, most often attack me based upon the following conclusion: "After having invested the time to become an expert on the subject of Islam and terrorism, I recognize that all good Muslims are terrorists and most all terrorists are Muslims."
These are irrefutable statements of fact, not opinion, which is why this verdict engenders so much wrath.
Every prime source regarding Muhammad's life (the Qur'an, Sira or Biography of the Prophet, Ta'rikh or History of the Prophet, and Hadith or Oral Report from the Prophet) confirm that Allah's lone spokesperson wasn't a prophet but was a terrorist - having issued no predictions that came true but having led 75 terrorist raids for booty and political power in the first 10 years of the Islamic Era.
In the 33rd surah, the Qur'an tells Muslims to follow Muhammad's example. In the 8th and 9th surahs, Allah says that those who do, and become jihadists killing non-Muslims in his cause, are the best Muslims.
So the rationale here isn't complex, or even subject to interpretation. According to Muhammad, Allah, the Qur'an, the Sira, Ta'rikh, and Hadith, all good Muslims are terrorists.
The second conclusion is equally accurate: most all terrorists are Muslims.
A comprehensive review of all terrorist acts committed from 1960 to the present confirms that 95% of terrorist missions are associated with Islam. Since 51% would constitute most, my statement is one of fact, not conjecture.
It is also interesting to note, that many of the terrorist acts which represent the 5% that appear at first glance to be unrelated to Islam, are in fact connected.
The IRA and JRA were funded by Muslims and they conducted many atrocities on behalf of Islam.
Even the most notorious neo-Nazi terrorists, the bad boys who blew up the Oklahoma Federal Building, were trained and aided by Muslim militants.
If just 20% of Muslims were good ones, and thus were prone to terrorism, by committing 95% of the world's terrorist acts, they are 3,000% more uncivil and violent than the rest of the earth's population.
It would be a disturbing trend worthy of the world's condemnation if good Muslims were 30% more lethal than others, but at 100 times that correlation, not condemning them is a moral catastrophe.
Returning to our definitions, terrorism is a tactic; it is not an enemy. Terrorism is the "how," not the who or why. The "who" are good Muslims. The "why" is fundamental Islam.
Terrorism is "violence or threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, mutilation, assassination, mass murder, and maiming of civilian populations and the destruction of their economies by armed militias for political or religious purposes."
When the IRA attacked British troops in Northern Ireland, or when Muslim militants attack U.S. soldiers in Iraq, that is by definition, guerilla warfare and not terrorism.
When Colombian drug lords murder government officials or blow up planes, this isn’t terrorism either because the objective is personal enrichment, not a religious or political cause.
If we apply the term accurately, the only significant occurrence of terrorist acts today that are not connected to Islam are being perpetrated by Marxists in Shi Lanka, and they are emulating Muslims.
Now, to be fair, should I have reviewed terrorist acts during the period of 1920 through 1950, instead of the period framed by the emergence of OPEC, the terrorist label would be applied to an entirely different cast of characters.
In fact, if a nation that sponsors terrorism is bad, then America is evil because during the waning days of World War II, the Army Air Force fire-bombed 55 Japanese and German cities, burning 50,000 people to death a night, most of whom were women and children.
The men who envisioned and perpetrated this deadly scheme, General May and future Secretary of Defense and World Bank head, Robert McNamara, both openly admitted that had America lost the war they would have been prosecuted and convicted of crimes against humanity.
The Socialist Fascist Adolf Hitler, enslaved and murdered 15 million unarmed Jews and Slavic civilians. The Imperial and tyrannical warlords ruling over the fiefdom of Japan, raped, enslaved, plundered, or murdered 20 million Chinese, Koreans, and Philippine civilians.
Stalin, a good Communist, terrorized his entire population, enslaving and murdering some 30 million civilians.
The Marxist Mao terrorized his entire population too, enslaving, starving, and murdering 40 million civilians.
Turning back the clock, Sherman used terrorism to end the American Civil War, sapping the South of its will to fight.
Terrorism is a tactic used by armed men against civilians for political purpose in the anticipation that it will weaken the public's resolve to resist.
That said, to fight a war against terrorism is as senseless as fighting one against Blitzkrieg or the divine wind of the Kamikazes.
To prevail in battle one must know who the enemy is and why they fight, and not flail mindlessly away at their symptoms.
The most oft-repeated myth in the mythical war against terrorism is the notion that radical Islam is a corrupted and extreme interpretation of an otherwise good and peaceful religion.
A "radical" is actually someone who favors extreme change and who differs substantially from the established norm. Yet the Islamic terrorists all openly admit with their word, and confirm by their deeds, that they are fundamentalists - meaning that they are the opposite of radicals.
The Islamic term for these fundamentalists is Salafi. It tells us that these Muslims live by and rely upon the testimony of Muhammad and his Companions, which is to say they trust the Qur'an and Hadith. Wahhabis are Salafi fundamentalists as are all Islamic terrorists.
The second most common lie in the "war against terrorism" is that the enemy fighting Americans in Iraq is composed of "insurgents."
Yet an insurgent is someone who rebels against authority, whether it be religious or political. A suicide bomber is so respectful of authority they willingly lay down their life in reliance upon it.
So why is it that this term is so universally misused? Who benefits from the truth being convoluted?
Another example of purposeful media collusion with politicians is the use of "sectarian" in reference to Muslim on Muslim violence in Iraq.
While sectarian accurately describes "relations between religious groups" and implies "an intolerance of opposing views," there are two more common terms which are never used in the media.
When Sunni Muslims murder Shia Muslims the violence is religious and it is Islamic. The root of this "sectarian" terrorism, like that perpetrated by the "radicals" and "insurgents" starts and stops with the religion of Islam.
Since these myths lie at the heart of the problem, that of properly identifying the who and the why of terrorism, since the myths are not only untrue, but the inverse of the truth, and in that they are universally propagated by every politician and media personality, it means that the deception is purposeful.
And that means that politicians and media outlets alike have something to gain by misleading you with regard to who is trying to kill you and why.
After you have read this thesis on the connection between Islam and terrorism, you will know that Muslims are the who, terrorism is the how, and Islam is the why behind the world's most heinous acts.
But these will not be the only riddles you will solve. You will know what lies behind America's political and media deceptions.
Not Violent, Not Racist, No Longer Silent,question everything,expose all EXPOSE THE ENTITTLEMENT SOCIETY A Unionized and Socialist America IS NOT GOOD! SHEEPLE WAKE UP THERE IS A PLOY TO DESTROY!
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Saturday, June 19, 2010
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