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Sunday, June 13, 2010


Crossover voting a factor in the GOP primary? Hmmm. check this out.
Crossover voting a factor in GOP primary?
By Mike Thayer

Did you know that in the 2008 GOP primary for U.S. House (Iowa's 2nd District), around 17,000 GOP votes were cast in the Miller-Meeks vs. Peter Teahen vs. Lee Harder race? Miller-Meeks squeaked out a victory over Teahen with 7,360 votes to 7,251. Harder finished a distant third with 2,274.

Did you know that in the 2010 GOP primary for U.S. House, same district, about 36,000 GOP votes were cast in the four-way Miller-Meeks, vs. Rathje, vs. Reed vs. Gettemy race? Miller-Meeks was announced the winner and nominee with over 18,000 votes.

That's a pretty dramatic increase in vote count don't you think? Is there THAT much voter frustration out there? And in support for a not-so-fresh face?

Did you know that a lot of voters in second district counties such as Wapello (MMM's backyard), Jefferson, Van Buren and Davis cast ballots for Moderette Miller-Meeks AND Bob Vander Plaats? Those two candidates don't exactly share the same beliefs. It's an inconsistent vote to say the least and begs the question, "Did a significant number of Democrats crossover and switch their registration over to GOP in an attempt to shape the general election?"

If they did, they got the Second District race they wanted.

Note in the chart below how the lines all parallel each other in peaks and valleys, EXCEPT for the year 2010....

Year Dem Vote GOP Vote Total Featured Race
1994 137,015 312,475 449,490 GOP: Gov. - Branstad vs. Gandy
1996 117,062 170,035 287,097 GOP: U.S. Senate - Lightfoot, Tinsman to oppose Harkin
1998 122,640 167,329 289,969 Gov. - Lightfoot/Vilsack nominations
2000 90,481 111,734 202,215 Various District U.S House races
2002 97,079 206,138 303,217 GOP: Gov. - Gross vs. Vander Plaats
2004 76,183 88,221 164,404 U.S. Senate - Grassley/Small nominations
2006 152,148 85,579 237,727 Gov. - Culver/Nussle nominations
2008 105,849 85,832 191,681 GOP: U.S. Senate - Eichhorn, Rathje, Reed to oppose Harkin
2010 72,062 227,347 299,409 GOP: Gov. - Branstad vs. Vander Plaats
Crossover voting a factor in GOP primary?
The Obama Agenda: The Fall of America Through Orchestrated Crisis

FBI to Begin Arresting People for Foreclosure Fraud?
The Financial Times is running a story that sounds so too-good-to-be-true that I wouldn't believe it if it came from a less reputable source. [you have to register to read the website]
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is preparing a nationwide crackdown on mortgage fraud, the latest in a series of efforts to curb lending practices that contributed to the housing meltdown, according to people familiar with the matter.
The FBI is preparing to arrest hundreds of people across the US as early as next week for offences including encouraging borrowers to falsify income on mortgage applications, misleading home owners about foreclosure rescue programs, and inflating home appraisals, said two people with knowledge of the operation.
I had heard that the new US Attorney in Southern District of New York had started an initiative to do something about the mortgage crisis, but not heard the details.
I did know, and reported to you, that the bankruptcy judges in both the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York had not only correctly figured out what was going on, but had arranged for seminars and CLE classes to alert both state court judges and practicing lawyers about what to look for.
There is a lot of interaction between the federal judiciary and the US Attorney's Offices and it is not unheard of for judges to directly refer cases for possible criminal prosecution.
So, I have long expected something to happen in New York. What is news to me, is that the FBI has evidently opened 23 local mortgage fraud task forces around the country. This is really good news because the mortgage securitization process has meant that the documents and personnel involved in a screwed up mortgage are themselves spread out all over the country. So, your foreclosure in Phoenix may involve a servicer in Florida and signatures from people claiming to be in California.
The other thing I like is that the FBI -and therefore presumably the US Attorney's-have made the connection that the inflated appraisals and liars' loans pushed by the lenders created the housing bubble and put people into homes that they thought they could afford, but really couldn't. After all, why would a bank lend you money if the bank thought it wouldn't get it back?
Such misstatements and omissions helped to fuel the housing bubble by allowing brokers, banks and other lenders to issue loans to borrowers with unverified income and low credit scores.
Many of these borrowers could not afford the loans and once the housing market started to deflate they stopped making interest and principal payments. More recently, mortgage fraud has involved foreclosure schemes in which financial firms collect a fee for falsely promising to help borrowers stay in their homes.
Yes, yes, yes!
Sorry, I went all Harry Met Sally deli scene there for a minute. The Mainstream Media, and the FBI(?) have caught on that the banks haven't and aren't doing mortgage modifications in good faith, be still my beating heart.
Maybe I am overreacting, we'll find out when arrests start happening and indictments are released, but in the meantime, I'm smiling.
Austin Mother of Five Gets FBI Visit for Exercising First Amendment
In his book Friendly Fascism, author Bertram Gross argues that when fascism comes to America it will be "friendly" and lack the overt brutality of the classic varieties of German and Italian fascism.
Richard Nixon once said that average American is like a child in the family.
Nixon was merely expressing the dominant opinion of the ruling elite who consider us contemptible children in need of adult supervision. Hitler, too, considered the German people children in need of adult supervision.
For the elite, a political activist is the worst sort of unruly child, one that directly challenges the authority of the father who represents the state. In order to modify the behavior of a rebellious child the state must instill fear. It must intimidate but - as Gross noted - it must do this with a friendly face. It must uphold the pretense of "democracy." A frog must be boiled slowly.
"No truly sophisticated proponent of repression would be stupid enough to shatter the facade of democratic institutions," wrote Murray B. Levin.
In the once great United States, circa 2010, the state, the father authoritarian figure, does not generally send Gestapo thugs in leather trench coats at three o'clock in the morning to the doorstep of those bold enough to challenge the authority of the state. It may send a SWAT team of trained killers after a suspected drug dealer, but this is the exception and not the rule.
Naked brutality is reserved for al-Qaeda patsies, Iraqi children, Afghan wedding parties, Pakistani villagers, and on occasion those of us who directly challenge the state through armed resistance and self defense. Ed Brown, Randy Weaver's wife, David Koresh and the incinerated children of Waco come to mind.
In the video below, agents of friendly fascism - who resemble a insurance salesman and his dowdy wife -
Link to video:
visit a woman in Austin, Texas, and attempt to ask a few friendly questions about her rebellious behavior during a pro-Palestinian demonstration. Her rebellion did not consist of bomb-making or even inappropriate jokes about the president.
Her crime was to display organized outrage over the murder and mistreatment of an entire people, a crime supported by and paid for by the U.S. government.
The FBI agents asked: Did she know anybody who would engage in violence or property damage? In other words, does she admit to being a terrorist and does she know of any terrorist plots ongoing?
At first glance, this line of questioning seems patently absurd. But it has a deeper purpose unstated and denied by the FBI - to inculcate fear of the state and intimidate and modify the behavior of an unruly and rebellious child. It is a routine designed to shut down opposition and discourage troublemakers from exercising their First Amendment right to petition the government for redress of grievances.
Government will decide what is appropriate and what verges on a crime against the state. The First Amendment now has circumscribed areas of practice surrounded by men in black ski masks and Darth Vader storm trooper uniforms.
The intimidation process did not work on this brave woman.
She knows her rights and she was not afraid to tell the FBI in a polite way to shove it where the sun does not shine.
The FBI Knocked on My Door!
After the attempt to run the blockade of Israel by a “Peace Activist ship” resulting in the death of residents of Turkey, before you go off on Israel for their lawful blockade, think about the following
The Deadly Game of "Pallie Alley
In the police training simulation called "Hogan's Alley," officers are presented with a series of human-shaped targets that pop up in doors, windows, and so on in an alley in a tough neighborhood. They must not fire on innocent bystanders--- the "don't shoot" targets--- but failure to shoot at an armed criminal is equally deadly, both to the officer and to innocent people. The bad guy, or "shoot" targets, always display some kind of deadly weapon plus criminal intent. Now that you understand "Hogan's Alley
Let's play "Pallie Alley"
You are an Israeli soldier or an armed Israeli civilian, and you are presented with the targets shown at right. You must make a split-second decision to shoot or not shoot. A wrong decision (either way) will cost innocent lives.
1. Is he a father with a baby, or is he a suicide bomber with a doll's head on his package of explosives? He's walking into a pizza parlor, bus, or Passover Seder; you have about a second to make up your mind.
2. Is this Palestinian businessman looking at his watch to see if he's on time for his appointment with his client as he walks into an Israeli office building, or is this terrorist checking to see when the bomb in his briefcase will explode?
3. Is this ambulance carrying medical personnel and patients, or explosives?*
A house of worship or a gun emplacement?
What's the matter? You don't like this game because you can't tell the "shoot" targets from the "don't-shoot" targets?
Guess what: Israel doesn't like it either, but it's the Palestinians who choose to play it this way
Frank Panel Wants $1T In Defense Cuts
Panel commissioned by Barney Frank recommends nearly $1T in defense cuts
By Roxana Tiron - 06/11/10
A panel commissioned by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) is recommending nearly $1 trillion in cuts to the Pentagon's budget during the next 10 years.
The Sustainable Defense Task Force, a commission of scholars from a broad ideological spectrum appointed by Frank, the House Financial Services Committee chairman, laid out actions the government could take that could save as much as $960 billion between 2011 and 2020.
Measures presented by the task force include making significant reductions to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, which has strong support from Defense Secretary Robert Gates; delaying the procurement of a new midair refueling tanker the Air Force has identified as one of its top acquisition priorities; and reducing the Navy's fleet to 230 ships instead of the 313 eyed by the service.
Frank on Friday warned that if he can't convince Congress to act in the "general direction" of the task force recommendation, "then every other issue will suffer." Not cutting the Pentagon's budget could lead to higher taxes and spending cuts detrimental to the environment, housing and highway construction.
You see, it's our lavish defense spending that is causing the deficit to balloon under the Democrats.
The acceptance of the recommendations would depend on a "philosophical change" and a "redefinition of the strategy," Frank said at press conference on Capitol Hill.
It sure as hell would.
The panel also looked into reforming military compensation, which could save about $55 billion;
Why don't we "reform" the compensation of members of Congress, while we are at it?
[S]aving $60 billion by reforming the military healthcare system;
Didn't we just "reform" healthcare?
[A]nd reducing recruiting expenditures once the wars wind down to preserve about $5 billion.
Sure, we spend billions in "recruiting."
Of course no money will need to be spent recruiting, once "don't ask don't tell" is rescinded.
The task force also suggested canceling the V-22 Osprey program and the Marine Corps's troubled Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle.
The U.S. nuclear arsenal would also be on the chopping block, under the panel's suggestions.
The task force recommends reducing the U.S. nuclear warhead total to 1,050.
Launchers would include 160 Minuteman missiles and seven Ohio-class submarines with 24 missiles (each with five warheads).
The panel also recommends retiring the Air Force bombers - "the bomber leg of the nuclear triad," which includes land-based missiles and nuclear submarines - and ending work on the Trident II missile.
The Project on Defense Alternatives coordinated the work of the task force, which included the following members: Carl Conetta, Project on Defense Alternatives; Benjamin Friedman, Cato Institute; William Hartung, New America Foundation; Christopher Hellman, National Priorities Project; Heather Hurlburt, National Security Network; Charles Knight, Project on Defense Alternatives; Lawrence J. Korb, Center for American Progress; Paul Kawika Martin, Peace Action; Laicie Olson, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation; Miriam Pemberton, Institute for Policy Studies; Laura Peterson,Taxpayers for Common Sense; Prasannan Parthasarathi, Boston College; Christopher Preble, Cato Institute, and Winslow Wheeler, Center for Defense Information.
What a pathetic farce.
The only organization on this list that is not in the radical left camp is the Cato Institute, which is libertarian. And we all know how weak libertarians tend to be on national defense.
Indonesian caught having sex with cow, claims he was seduced World's most populous Muslim nation. Do the math. ROP. via Man claims cow seduced him for sex - Weird News. news
NOT GOOD Pro-Gay Rights Muslim Wins IOWA Primary

Ako Abdul-Samad, a Muslim incumbent in the Iowa state legislature (and one of nine Muslim state legislators in the entire United States) easily defeated his challenger Clair Rudison Jr, a Christian minister, in Iowa's Democratic primary on June 8. In the battle to represent House District 66 in Des Moines, Abdul-Samad got 74% of the vote to Rudison's 25%.

The newspaper Iowa Independent called this primary battle "ground zero for gay marriage debate." In 2009, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that the state cannot deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Rudison attacked Abdul-Samad for not supporting a state referendum that would overturn the court's decision.

Consequently, major Iowa organizations on opposite sides of the marriage debate took sides. Iowa Family Political Action Committee, an arm of the socially conservative Iowa Family Policy Center, gave Rudison his largest single donation. In response, Iowa's largest LGBT-rights organization One Iowa, supported Abdul-Samad through its Fairness Fund PAC.

"This race is important and marriage equality is at the center of it," said Ashlan Shaw, an intern at Fairness Fund. "This election is crucial for keeping a pro-equality, community advocate in House District 66 and preventing discrimination from being written into the constitution."

Religion has always been part of the same-sex marriage debate, but it was part of this campaign in a unique way. Abdul-Samad is Iowa's only Muslim to hold an elected state office. He is the CEO/Founder of Creative Visions Human Development Center, has published a book of spiritual poetry, and helped produce an Islamic DVD with Lisa Killinger called "Men are from Marwa, Women are from Safa."
Rudison is an ordained Christian minister who served as pastor of a Baptist church in Fort Dodge, Iowa, before moving to Des Moines to serve with Iowa Missionary and Educational Baptist State Convention.

Obama Issues Executive Order Mandating $B!H (JLifestyle Behavior Modification $B!I (J
Obama, Assembling Team, Turns to the Economy
Executive Order-- Establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council

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